How to Get YouTube Content ID

How to Get YouTube Content ID?

As a YouTuber, it’s important to be aware of YouTube’s Content ID system and how it can affect your videos. In this guide, I’ll explain what Content ID is and how you can use it to your advantage.

What is YouTube Content ID?

YouTube Content ID is a system that allows content creators to identify and claim their copyrighted material on YouTube. When a video is uploaded, YouTube checks against a database of files to see if the video contains any copyrighted content.

YouTube Content ID - Copyright Claim
YouTube Content ID – Copyright Claim

If it does, the copyright owner is notified and can choose to claim the video or leave it unclaimed.

How to get a YouTube Content ID

If you’re a YouTube content creator, you may be wondering how to get a YouTube Content ID. A YouTube Content ID is a unique identifier that allows YouTube to keep track of your original content and monetize it accordingly. Here’s how to get a YouTube Content ID:

  1. Sign up for a YouTube account and complete the required profile information.
  2. Upload your original video content to your YouTube channel.
  3. Apply for monetization by filling out the online application form.
  4. Once your application is approved, you will be issued a YouTube Content ID.

What are the benefits of having a YouTube Content ID?

There are many benefits of having a YouTube Content ID.

Monetizing your videos

If you have a YouTube Content ID, you can monetize your videos by allowing ads to be displayed on them. This can help you earn money from your YouTube channel.

Once you’ve monetized your video, YouTube will scan it for any copyrighted material and create a “Content ID claim” on your behalf If someone else uploads a video that contains copyrighted material from your video,

YouTube will place ads on that video and share the revenue with you. This system is a great way to monetize your videos and ensure that you are getting paid for your original content.

When a viewer watches an ad, YouTube will share a portion of that revenue with you. The amount of revenue that you earn will depend on a number of factors, including the length of the ad, the type of ad, and the country where the viewer is watching the ad.

Types of videos that are eligible for Content ID monetization

It’s important to note that not all videos are eligible for Content ID monetization. In order for your video to be eligible, it must be at least four minutes long and have at least 1000 views. Additionally, your video must not contain any copyrighted material or sensitive topics. If your video meets these requirements, then you can begin monetizing it with Content ID.

There are certain types of videos that cannot be monetized with Content ID. This includes videos that are:

  • too short
  • without audio
  • without video
  • without any content that can be identified
  • Not advertiser-friendly: Videos that contain profanity, violence, or other offensive content will not be eligible for Content ID monetization.
  • Not original: Videos that are uploaded without the copyright holder’s permission will not be eligible for Content ID monetization.
  • recorded in poor quality

Is the uploader of the copyrighted video earn money?

With Content ID, you can share in the revenue generated from ads placed on your video. The revenue share varies depending on the copyright holder of the video, but typically it’s around 50/50. So if your video generates $100 in ad revenue, you’ll receive $50 and the copyright holder will receive $50.

Protect your copyrights

You can protect your videos: If you have a YouTube Content ID, you can protect your videos from being downloaded and reused without your permission. This can help you keep control over your content and make sure that it is not used without your consent.

You can track how many people are viewing your videos and where they are coming from. This information can be helpful in understanding who your audience is and what kind of content they enjoy.

Overall, having a YouTube Content ID can be beneficial for both creators and viewers. It can help creators monetize their videos and protect their content, while also providing viewers with an easy way to find similar videos.

How to use YouTube Content ID

YouTube’s Content ID system is a powerful tool that can help copyright holders to manage their content on the platform. If you’re a copyright holder, you can use Content ID to identify and claim your content on YouTube. Once you’ve claimed your content, you can decide what you want to do with it. You can choose to monetize it, block it, or track its viewership statistics.

Content ID is a great way for copyright holders to keep control of their content on YouTube. If you’re thinking about using Content ID to claim your content, here’s a quick guide on how to do it:

  • Sign in to your YouTube account and go to the Copyright tab of your account settings.
  • Read through the Copyright Policies and Procedures and agree to them.
  • Fill out the Copyright Claimant Information form. You’ll need to provide some basic information about yourself and your copyrighted work.
  • Submit the form and wait for YouTube to process your request. Once your request has been processed, you’ll be able to start claiming your content on YouTube.

Copyright Claims

If you find a copyright claim on one of your videos, it means that somebody has notified YouTube that they believe your video is infringing on their copyright. This can happen even if you don’t think you’re doing anything wrong.

Content ID claims are different from manual copyright strikes. A copyright strike is issued by YouTube when we receive a formal notification from a copyright owner that a particular video is not authorized to be posted on the site. When this happens, the video is taken down and the uploader gets a strike on their account. If an account gets three strikes, it will be terminated.

Content ID claims are generated automatically by YouTube’s systems when they identify a video that appears to match the content that has been uploaded to our site without authorization. When we get a Content ID claim, we don’t take the video down automatically. Instead, the copyright owner gets to decide what happens next. They can choose to do nothing, they can ask us to monetize the video by running ads on it, or they can ask us to block the video from being viewed.

If you believe that a Content ID claim has been filed incorrectly, you can dispute the claim.

In case you dispute the claim, you’re saying that you don’t think the other person owns the content in your video. You’ll need to provide evidence to support your case. YouTube will then review the evidence and make a decision.

If you win the dispute, the copyright claim will be removed from your video and you’ll be able to keep using the content. If you lose the dispute, you’ll either have to remove the content from your video or make it private.

Content ID is YouTube’s way of dealing with copyright claims. When someone files a claim, they’re saying that they own certain content in your video. This could be a piece of music or footage from a TV show or movie.

If you’re not sure whether you should dispute a copyright claim or not, here are a few things to keep in mind:

  • Copyright claims are usually made by large companies or corporations, not individual creators.
  • Copyright claims are made by matching the audio or video in your video to reference material submitted by the copyright holder. This means that even if you create all the audio and video yourself if it contains any copyrighted material (like music), you could still receive a claim.
  • You can only dispute a copyright claim if you believe that you have the right to use the copyrighted material in your video. For example, if you have permission from the copyright holder, or if your use of the copyrighted material is covered by fair use.
  • If you dispute a copyright claim and lose, your video will be taken down


If you’re a YouTube content creator, then you should definitely look into getting a Content ID. This will help protect your videos from being stolen or used without your permission. Plus, it can also help you monetize your videos and make some extra money. So if you’re not already using a Content ID, be sure to sign up for one today.